Monday, 7 September 2015

BlogAlongAStarWars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi

Hello :-)

I’m back again for The Incredible Suit’s BlogAlongAStarWars part trois. My own account of the ongoing quest to become a proper Star Wars fan and crush the oncoming tidal wave of adult life by revisiting all the Star Wars movies in the run up to Episode 7, this most recent of posts which is absolutely definitely not late and absolutely didn’t need to have been posted by the end of August…

So here ends my look back at the original trilogy. Again, I haven’t re-watched episodes IV – VI for years but thus far I’ve thoroughly enjoyed getting to know these much loved films as an adult and letting them batter down my snarky and jaded defences.

In episode VI we discover that the Galactic Empire, under orders from Human Mole-Rat Emperor Palpatine, are building a second Death Star so they can crush the Rebel Alliance once and for all. Meanwhile Luke Skywalker, C3PO and R2D2 set in motion a plan to rescue Han Solo who is still encased in carbonite and hanging on the wall at Jabba the Hutt’s lair.

This film had me from the off. Bad-ass music *tick* iconic scrolling opening *tick* and then a ruddy excellent rescue *tick tick tick*. I love a good heist but (puts on M&S advert voice) this isn’t just a heist, this a bonkers Space Opera heist. The whole sequence is tremendous fun, the call back to “I Love you/I know” was super cute, I love that this is the first time Luke seems like a proper Jedi, it’s just an all-round good time.

Here’s a potentially controversial statement: I don’t understand the appeal of Boba Fett. I know he’s supposed to be this great man of mystery and intrigue but I’m just not seeing it. To me he hasn’t done enough to justify the esteem in which his character is held and when he’s accidentally knocked into the giant sand vagina I gave zero shits.

For a film series that has thus far stayed away from massive exposition dumps it is a little disappointing that when we get back to Dagobah, after Yoda sadly shuffles off this mortal coil, the ghost of Obi Wan has to show up and explain everything. This isn’t the worst offender I’ve ever seen but it did feel as though Lucas wrote himself into a corner and then decided to Force feed the audience (Geddit?!?! FORCE feed… because it’s Star Wars… and the Force… oh fine be like that…) some piffle, albeit piffle delivered by the legendary Alec Guinness, in order to work his way out of it. I’m not saying that this is an omen of things to come but it absolutely is.

Then we move to Endor. I don’t hate the Ewoks as much as most (they gave us Warwick Davis and he is a goddamn legend) but I will concede that they are narratively unnecessary and conspicuously commercially lucrative. We’ve already established that this is a David and Goliath space parable; you don’t need a physical representation in the form of tiny bears fighting massive Stormtroopers.  Also, I know everyone says Ewoks are just children’s toys but let’s not forget they did want to eat Han Solo. Like actually EAT him…

Then everything comes to a head in the final act and it’s glorious. The rebel strike team try and take the Endor base, the X-Wings are sent to take down the Death Star, Luke goes mano a mano with his Daddy and Admiral Ackbar utters the line that spawned a thousand memes. Each of these showdowns matter and the cutting between the three of them is done really nicely, enough to keep us engaged but not manic enough to confuse us.

Each individual finale fight matters but the battle between Vader and Luke is the one with the biggest emotional heft and brilliantly done it is too. We all know that Luke isn’t really going to turn but when he lets rip on Vader he proper goes for it and it has all the drama you’d expect from such an anticipated fight.

Maybe it all wraps itself up rather fluffily and a bit too nicely but by this point I don’t really mind. The redemption of Vader, Luke’s transition to fully fledged Jedi, Leia and Han’s happily ever after, it’s full on fairytale ending stuff which , as a life-long Disney fan, I am not one to shy away from.

So everyone is happy, we’ve got fireworks and dancing Ewoks; but then, looking like the creepiest creeper who ever creeped, Hayden Christensen’s ghostly figure appears like the Ghost of Special Editions Present. Aside from the fact that this makes no sense (I’m not accepting Lucas’s retcon bullshit about how he’s “returned to his inner persona”, how would Luke even know who he is? He’s only ever seen his Father as an old man?! Poor Sebastian Shaw…), it is a painful reminder of what I have in store over the next three months.

George Lucas’s ridiculous changes aside, I get Star Wars now. I understand the affection; the characters are joyous, I agree with the consensus that Episode V is the best one and if Lightsabers were real I would absolutely want one. So let us soldier on dear reader and you can watch as the prequels shit all over my new found love... *sigh*

Final Thoughts: (This is pretty much exactly what I did at the end of Return of the Jedi) 
‘I wonder if there’s any other original trilogy stuff I can look at before I have to start on the prequels…’
*takes to the interwebs*
‘Ooooh ‘Star Wars Holiday Special’ that might be worth a look...’
*10 minutes later*
‘What the actual FUCK…’

Surprise Discovery: I completely forgot about the suggestion that Leia has powers too. Fingers crossed that’s something we get to see in Episode VII!

Goodbye till next time :-)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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