Friday, 17 July 2015

BlogAlongAStarWars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back

Hello :-)

Here we are for round 2 of The Incredible Suit’s BlogAlongAStarWars and my own personal quest to become a proper fan of this hallowed film series (read as ‘quest to procrastinate as much as is humanly possible’).

As previously discussed I haven’t seen the original Star Wars trilogy in a long time and even in my formative years, I didn’t watch them often. The Empire Strikes Back is the film that suffered most from my Star Wars indifference because it’s the one I’ve seen the least.

Three years have passed since the events of A New Hope and everyone is a little war weary. Our heroic rebels led by Princess Leia have been chased across the galaxy and set up a base on the Ice planet Hoth. Darth Vader is hell bent on finding Luke Skywalker and scatters thousands of probe droids across the galaxy with a view to finding him and turning him to the dark side.

I’m glad to report that everything is present and correct from the last film; stirring score, fun space chase scenes (say “space chase” five times fast), awesome action; but Empire is giving us a bit more than we got before. This feels like classic ‘second episode in a trilogy’ stuff; the stakes are higher and everything’s gone darker. It sounds cliché but it’s undeniably effective and by the end of Empire Strikes Back the audience is totally on board for Episode VI.

I love that things have progressed; it’s never spelled out for us but we’re clearly a few years on from A New Hope, not just because the locations have changed but because our characters have. Everyone seems a bit more mature and the relationships feel like these guys have been living together for ages, like genuine friends.

It’s really nice to be back in the company of our central trio. Luke’s still a bit of a whiney bitch but his little brother/ big brother relationship with Han is so cute I’ll forgive him. Han and Leia’s back and forth is lovely. Of course she’s in love with him, she was never not going to be in love with him, LOOK AT HIS BEAUTIFUL FACE. But seriously, their moments have just the right balance of wit and vulnerability to convince us that these two are destined for each other.

This is the Two Towers of the series where our central team spin off into their own mini adventures. Han, Leia and Chewie are trying to evade capture in the Millennium Falcon (what’s a girl got to do to get a Hyperdrive fixed in that Galaxy?!?!) meanwhile Luke has swanned off to the Dagobah system because Obi Wan’s disembodied voice told him to. You really can’t underestimate how ridiculous that statement is until you write it down but on screen it works. When they introduce this psychic Jedi Voice messaging system in A New Hope I thought it was a bit odd, but I went with it because the film had earned my goodwill by that point. Here it works because we discover Yoda can hear it too and we get a lovely explanation of what being a Jedi means. It’s a really nice way to expand on that mythology and the idea that the fastest or strongest are not necessarily the best is a sweet little take away.

Whilst we’re on the subject, I was utterly unprepared for how hilariously batshit Yoda is when we first meet him. Why have I never heard anyone talk about this?!?! Everyone is all “Do or not do, there is no try” and yes, it’s great when he gets his Jedi Master on and raises the X-Wing from the swamp but that introduction when he’s poking around Luke’s stuff and giggling his little green tits off is one of my new favourite things.

They’ve really ramped it up in terms of environments for this one which is great fun. We got a glimpse of the deserts of Tatooine in A New Hope but for the most part we’re in the Millennium Falcon or on a Star Destroyer or in an X-Wing, not that they aren’t joyous places to be, they’re just a tad samey. It’s probably a reflection of the increase in budget but Hoth and Cloud City look fantastic whilst simultaneously being a lovely way to add to the scope of the universe.

Let’s talk about Darth Vader for a minute because I completely forgot to do that last time. In terms of iconography, there is nothing more Star Wars than Vader.  The character design is epic, everything he says sounds badass and that voice is just fantastic (James Earl Jones = instant gravitas). However, why these Imperial Starships have so many staff on them remains a mystery to me. If you jump on that Galactic Corporate ladder you’re pretty much destined to end up with Vader doing his (occasionally comical) invisible chokehold on you.

The reveal of Vader’s paternity is so engrained in pop culture it feels like something I’ve always known; however this blogging malarkey has alerted me to the fact that I’ve never properly sat down and watched that scene. The reveal itself is iconic but that whole build up and aftermath makes a massive impact; it’s a demonstration of how powerful Vader is, how seductive the Dark side can be, it shows far Luke has come, how much he still has to learn and the fact he’d rather jump into the abyss than join his Father says so much more than just dialogue. Despite the slightly awkward getaway (how EXACTLY does he manage to get sucked up by that air vent?), it’s the definitive turning point of the series.

Without having rewatched Return of the Jedi I can’t say if this is the best of the trilogy, it’s not as uncomplicatedly fun as A New Hope, but it feels like Empire Strikes Back is the reason the series is as revered as it is.  This is the heart of the franchise; everything we care about is expanded on, building a bigger universe with a vim and vigour that makes wide eyed children of us all.

Final Thoughts: I’m not being funny but the Empire should have had the battle of Hoth sewn up. That energy shield was more of a hindrance than a help to the Rebels’ escape, they could only get out through a bottleneck made by that Ion Cannon so why not position your ships over it and blast everyone to pieces on their way out? FFS Vader!

Surprise Discovery: Hello Grand Maester Pycelle! Fancy seeing you here!

Goodbye till next time :-)

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Thursday, 2 July 2015

BlogAlongAStarWars: Episode IV – A New Hope

Hello :-)

So I’ve decided to take part in The Incredible Suit’s BlogAlongAStarWars because I can’t think of a better way to distract myself from the impending responsibilities of my own adulthood.

Also because I don’t think I’m a Star Wars fan.

Hang on! Put those flaming torches and pitchforks away! When I say I’m not a Star Wars fan, that doesn’t mean I don’t like Star Wars. It’s fine, it’s a perfectly pleasant way to pass the time, I just don’t emotionally connect to it. I haven’t seen the original trilogy for years, I can’t quote it, I can’t remember what happens in each film (I’ve seen them all but they blur together in my mind); basically I’m a bit vague on the whole thing.

So I’m going to see if this little project can turn me into a proper fan. Or at the very least help me remember the difference between a Jawa and a Sandperson…

It would be extremely easy to be cynical about Star Wars, they’ve got to be the most parodied movies in modern cinema so sitting there, eye-rolling my way through every iconic shot or line sounds about right, especially for someone as bitter and jaded as me. However, I press play and I can’t do it. I’m totally engaged because of that score. That score is fucking majestic. There’s no way you can be arch and glib when you’re listening to that, it’s too awesome.

So straight away my defences are down and we get into the story. I could’ve sworn it was more complicated than this but here we go; Princess Leia, sporting a parallel cinnamon bun hairstyle, is captured by The Empire because she’s stolen their secret plans, she sends a SOS message to Obi Wan Kenobi via robots R2D2 and C3PO who make a quick getaway via an escape pod. We land on a desert planet where some Jawa traders (Ahhhh! So THEY’RE the Jawas…) kidnap our droids and sell them on to Owen Lars and his nephew Luke Skywalker. Luke comes across Leia’s message and sets out to find Obi Wan.

What’s weird about taking A New Hope out of it’s fandom context is that on viewing, it’s refreshingly unpretentious. I’d never criticise anyone for reading into the philosophy behind these films, art is made for the viewer, not the artist and if you get a deeper message out of them then more power to you, but A New Hope makes no bones about the fact that it’s here to be a super fun space romp and to that end it’s a total success. It feels a little like we’re moving from one set piece to another sometimes but it’s all so good natured and perky you get dragged along for the ride with a huge smile on your face.

Luke is a perfect central character because he is basically every teenager who ever existed; a bit stroppy, naïve and desperate to experience what life has to offer, his character arc basically writes itself. He comes off as a little beige in the beginning of A New Hope, especially when he’s surrounded by such brilliant characters as Han and Leia, but by the time the credits roll you’re totally rooting for him.
Speaking of Han and Leia they have so much personality I want to bottle it and spread it around all the modern blockbusters that don’t imbue their characters with half as much as this did. Impractical hairstyle aside, Leia is wonderful. Carrie Fisher practically glows with wit and moxie. As for Harrison Ford… well he’s pretty much perfect. There’s no other way I can put it, it’s a perfect performance; charming, daring and cheeky before Nandos was even a thing.

The downside to this awakening of the potential Star Wars fan within me is that the only versions of the original trilogy I can find are the remastered ones. Now, when I watch Sci-fi from the pre-CGI age, as long as the story is good enough, I don’t have an issue with the effects. Particularly in the case of Star Wars because a lot of the effects are practical and as we all know the believability half-life of real effects is inordinately greater than that of CGI. However, in this remastered version, George Lucas or whichever clown is responsible, deemed in necessary to add in extra CGI creatures and a whole new scene featuring a CGI Jabba the Hutt. These scenes are massively jarring because the CGI clashes hideously with the original footage. What I really want to do is immerse myself in a world, what this is doing is pulling me straight back out of it. 

Despite the CGI retconning, A New Hope is an inordinate amount of fun. It’s full of characters you want to spend time with, action you care about and a style of storytelling that puts as much faith in the audience as the audience does in the film.

I’m starting to wonder why I didn’t watch Star Wars more as a child because I would have absolutely loved it, in fact I love it now. Maybe the Force is turning me into a fan after all…

Final Thoughts: George Lucas gives zero shits about scientific accuracy. He’s gonna stick “PEW PEW!” noises all over the space battles and there’s not a god damn thing you can do about it.

Surprise Discovery: I had no idea Debbie Reynolds was Carrie Fisher’s Mum, cheers Google!

Goodbye till next time :-)
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